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Initially appearing as a chipper house manager, Britney Frazier becomes a boomingly bellyaching God, and Victor Talmadge is a wearily cranky but accommodating Death. Avi Roque seems at first like a disgruntled patron, and Alexandra Van De Poel as a bewildered young girl in the audience, until they reveal themselves to be other symbolic figures. Director Nataki Garrett and the versatile cast make the most of the enchanting individual moments that make up the play without quite cohering into a coherent whole. In one marvelously animated scene that comes out of nowhere and then vanishes without a trace, large skeleton puppets designed by Janni Younge do a jaunty dance choreographed by Rami Margron to Macy Gray’s bouncy “Oblivion.”.

The North Plan: A Washington bureaucrat is on the run with a stolen bridesmaid slippers, bridal flats, wedding flats, bridesmaids flats, wedding slippers, ballet flats, foldable flats, party slipp list of top secret enemies until he finds himself stuck in a mountain town police station in this Renegade Theatre Experiment production, Through Feb, 21; Thursday—Saturday, 8 p.m.; Sunday, 7 p.m, Historic Hoover Theatre, 1635 Park Ave., San Jose, $10-$25, 408-351-4440,, Tuesdays with Morrie: Tabard Theater Company stages this autobiographical story about an accomplished and driven journalist who meets weekly to learn life lessons from his former college professor, Through Feb, 22, times vary, Theatre on San Pedro Square, 29 N, San Pedro St., San Jose, $15-$38, 408-679-2330,

When Charles Dickens published “A Christmas Carol” in 1843, movies and TV were still far off in the distance. So there’s no way he could have ever imagined that his tightfisted anti-hero, Ebenezer Scrooge, would someday be portrayed by the likes of Vanessa Williams … and Mr. Magoo. Would the author have approved — or blurted out a grouchy “Bah, humbug!”. There, in fact, have been countless filmed incarnations of Dickens’ cautionary tale, with the portrayals ranging from the deadly serious (George C. Scott) to the wildly offbeat (Susan Lucci, Tori Spelling) and lighthearted (Mr. Spacely from “The Jetsons”).

Christie declined to answer a question Friday about his stance on immigration reform: A flower warehouse wasn’t the best bridesmaid slippers, bridal flats, wedding flats, bridesmaids flats, wedding slippers, ballet flats, foldable flats, party slipp place to give a nuanced answer on complex policy, he said, Asked if he would instead replicate the intentionally awkward “Evolution of Dad Dancing” routine he performed with Jimmy Fallon on “The Tonight Show” on Thursday, Christie shot back, “I’m not Wayne Newton and this isn’t Vegas.”, Plus, he said, he wouldn’t want Kashkari to feel compelled to join in..

Ken McNickle,  33. Survivor skills: He describes himself as driven, mindful and perceptive, and he enjoys “anything outdoors,” including hiking, camping and fishing, playing and watching music, and dancing. We also assume he enjoys posing for photos, shirtless, with an expression that is part glare and part vacant. Survivability: Ken thinks his outdoor skills and physical attributes will be an asset to those around him. He also believes that he understands and reads people well enough to know where to position himself. Poor Ken. Doesn’t he know they always get rid of the pretty ones first?.

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